Ministries and Services

Adult Ministries

Resourcing the movement of our people from membership to discipleship in the areas of Sabbath School, Personal and Prison Ministries.

Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries

Representing denominational interests in the chaplaincy and military-related services.

Adventist Community Services

Serving communities in Christ’s name.

Children’s Ministries

Empowering Leaders. Impacting Kids.


Conveying the inspirational story about the Seventh-day Adventist® Church in Bono Region


Providing opportunity for students to accept Christ as their Savior, to allow the Holy Spirit to transform their lives, and to fulfill the commission of preaching the gospel to all the world.

Family Ministries

Reaching Families for Eternity.

Health Ministries

Sharing hope and wholeness through the healing power of Christ

Literature Ministries

Empowering members to light their worlds with inspirational literature

Ministerial Association

Empowering the ministerial community in leading churches to reach their world for Christ.

Public Affairs and Religious Liberty (PARL)

Proclaiming and defending the God-given gift of religious freedom which is integral to our prophetic role as Seventh-day Adventists® and primary evangelistic efforts.

Stewardship Ministries

Engaging and educating members that their faith in Jesus is inseparably connected to managing the time, talent, and treasure entrusted to them by God.

Women’s Ministries

Modeling Jesus Christ through meaningful relationships and effective ministries.

Youth & Young Adult Ministries

Providing practical resources, training, and mentoring opportunities to youth leaders and their youth, and creating a youth ministries presence in every church.

Planned Giving and Trust Services

Providing useful financial, estate, and gift planning information—with special sensitivity to our faith.

IT Services

Supporting the Gospel Mission through technology ministries.